
ORMはオブジェクト 関係マッピングの略です。 これは、2つのことを行います: オブジェクトにデータベースのテーブルの行をマップし、 それはあなたがそれらのオブジェクト間の関係を確立することができます。
それは Active Record パターンに従いますが、 他のシステムに影響も受けます。

CRUD: 作成、読み取り、更新、削除

一度あなたのモデルを設定したそれは、作成、読み取り、更新、 およびデータベース内のエントリを行います。


// オプション 1
$new = new Model_Example();
$new->property = 'something';

// option 2, use forge instead of new
$new = Model_Example::forge();
$new->property = 'something';

save()した後のmodelは、データベースに保存されていると、主キー 主キーにauto_incrementを使用している場合は、自動的に保存された後、インスタンスに保存されます。


$props = array('property' => 'something');

// "new"を使用する。
$new = new Model_Example($props);

// option 2, use forge instead of new
$new = Model_Example::forge($props);


Or actually find(). The find method can be used in 3 ways: find a specific id (primary key), find first/last or all entries with conditions, or use method chaining to fetch. All possible selection methods (where, or_where, order_by, etc) can be found at the bottom of the page.


// ID=2の記事を検索する
$entry = Model_Article::find(2);

// ...or when using compound primary keys
$entry = Model_Article::find(array(2, 'foo'));



// 最初のエントリーを検索する
$entry = Model_Article::find('first');

// find the last entry added when ordered by date
$entry = Model_Article::find('last', array('order_by' => 'date'));



// すべての記事を検索する。
$entry = Model_Article::find('all');

// find all articles from category 1 order descending by date
$entry = Model_Article::find('all', array(
	'where' => array(
		array('category_id', 1),
	'order_by' => array('date' => 'desc'),

// find all articles from category 1 or category 2
$entry = Model_Article::find('all', array(
	'where' => array(
		array('category_id', 1),
		'or' => array(
			array('category_id', 2),



When you use the find() method without properties, it will be considered to be an error situation. Currently it will return an Orm\Query object which you can use, and possibly reuse to find entries. This behaviour might change in the future, so using this is discouraged, use the query() method instead.

$query = Model_Article::query()->where('category_id', 1)->order_by('date', 'desc');

// ページネーションのための記事の総数を知りたい場合。
$number_of_articles = $query->count();

// We want to know the last id issued
$number_of_articles = $query->max('id');

// We want to know the date of the first article posted
$number_of_articles = $query->min('date');

// fetch one Article
$newest_article = $query->get_one();

// 以前のクエリに復帰制限を加えて、複数の記事を取得するために再使用します。
$all_articles = $query->limit(15)->get();

All these methods are equally valid, the four other methods of find actually use the Query object as well but don't return it.

Partial column selects

By default all ORM find methods will select all table columns. You can use the select array entry or the select() method to alter this behavior.

// using the array method. select only the 'name' and 'date' columns
$entry = Model_Article::find('last', array('select' => array('name', 'date')));

// same, but then using the chaining method
$entry = Model_Article::query()->select('name', 'date')->get();

// using the array method. select all columns except the 'date' column
$entry = Model_Article::find('all', array('select' => array(array('date' => false))));

// same, but then using the chaining method
$entry = Model_Article::query()->select(array('date' => false))->get();


$entry = Model_Article::find(4);
$entry->title = 'My first edit';
$entry->author = 'Total n00b';

That's it, nothing more to it: Find, change properties and save.

You can also set properties on the model from an array:

$entry = Model_Article::find(4);
	'title'  => 'My first edit',
	'author' => 'Total n00b'



$entry = Model_Article::find(4);

Again nothing more to it: Find and delete.

In the previous example the $entry variable and its object still exist. The primary keys are however set to null and the object itself is considered a new instance. If you save it after deletion it will be re-entered into the database and be given a new primary key when auto_increment is switched on.

All selection methods when using find

Method Params Examples
select string $column, [string $more_columns,] | array $filter
// Find only some columns
Model_Article::query()->select('id', 'name');
Model_Article::find('all', array('select' => array('id', 'name')));

// Find all columns except 'name'
Model_Article::query()->select(array('name' => false));
Model_Article::find('all', array('select' => array(array('name' => false))));
related string|array $relation, [array $conditions]
// include related models in the find
Model_Article::query()->related(array('author', 'comments'));
Model_Article::find('all', array('related' => array('author', 'comments')));

// include conditions on the relation (only supported when chaining)
Model_Article::query()->related('author', array('where' => array('active', '=', 1)));
use_view string $viewname
// use a view to retrieve data
Model_Article::find('all', array('use_view' => 'with_comments'));
where string $column, [string $operator,] mixed $value
// Single where
Model_Article::query()->where('id', 4);
Model_Article::find('all', array('where' => array('category_id' => 5)));

// Multiple where usage examples
Model_Article::query()->where('id', 4)->where('category_id', '>', 1);
Model_Article::query()->where(array('id' => 4, 'category_id' => 6));
Model_Article::find('all', array('where' => array(array('category_id', '=', 5), array('publish', '<', time()))));

// Using or where
Model_Article::query()->where('id', 4)->or_where('id', 5);
order_by string $column, [string $direction]
// Single order_by
Model_Article::query()->order_by('name', 'desc');
Model_Article::find('all', array('order_by' => array('name' => 'desc')));

// Multiple order_by usage examples
Model_Article::query()->order_by('name', 'desc')->order_by('category_id', 'asc');
Model_Article::query()->order_by(array('name' => 'desc', 'category_id' => 'asc'));
Model_Article::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('name' => 'desc', 'category_id' => 'asc'))));
limit int $limit
// limit with relation consistence
Model_Article::find('all', array('limit' => 10));
rows_limit int $limit
// limit without relation consistence
Model_Article::find('all', array('rows_limit' => 10));
offset int $offset
// offset with relation consistence
Model_Article::find('all', array('offset' => 10));
rows_offset int $offset
// offset without relation consistence
Model_Article::find('all', array('rows_offset' => 10));

Do not mix the two! A combination of limit and rows_offset (or the other way around) will lead to unexpected results!

In this context, relation consistence means that by default when you query including related models, the ORM will make sure the related results are consistent. This means that your results aren't always exactly limited. For example, if the first parent in the result has 12 children, your resultset will contain 12 records even if you have used limit(10). When you use rows_limit(10), the resultset will only contain 10 records, but 2 related records will be missing, and can not be retrieved later because the results will be cached and the cache handler doesn't know the results were incomplete!

Complex where clauses

Using chaining you can create more complex where clauses, using and, or and nesting

// complex where clause
  ->where('author', '=', 16)
      ->where('date', '<', time())
      ->or_where('draft', '=', 1)

// creates WHERE `author` = 16 AND (`date` < 1348404127 OR `draft` = 1)

To create a nested OR, use or_where_open() and or_where_close(). Allways make sure your open and close methods match!


Subqueries can be created by constructing a seperate query object and using get_query() to parse it.

$subQuery = Model_Article::query()
        ->where('date', '<', time())
        ->where('draft', '=', 1);

        ->where('author', '=', 16)
        ->or_where('author', $subQuery->get_query())

Custom SQL

It is also possible to perform custom SQL statements and have the result returned as an Orm model (or list of models). Although this is not part of the Orm itself it is useful to know. Take a look at the DB::query() function for more information.

DB::query('SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE `id` = 1')->as_object('Model_Article')->execute();

It is recommended that you use the query() function where ever possible though