Email class methods

forge($setup = null, array $config = array())

The forge returns a new Email_Driver instance based on the config or input it receives.

静的 はい
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$arr mixed
Supply null for default config, a setup group name, or a config array.
$arr mixed
An additional config array to modify default configs on the fly.
返り値 新しい Email_Driver のインスタンス
// Plain an simple:
$email = \Email::forge();

// Config loaded from a group
$email = \Email::forge('my_defaults');

// Config supplied
$email = \Email::forge(array(
	'driver' => 'smtp',

// Loaded config from group with an dynamic overwrite
$email = \Email::forge('my_defaults', array(
	'driver' => 'smtp',

Email driver methods

Every driver that extends Email_Driver has these methods. They are all you need to get up and running.


The body converts the input to string and sets the message body.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$arr string required The message body.
返り値 $this
$email->body('This is my message.');

//or pass it a View
$email->body(\View::forge('my/view', $data);


The alt_body converts the input to string and sets the message alternative body.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$arr string required The message body.
返り値 $this
$email->alt_body('This is my alternative message.');

//or pass it a View
$email->alt_body(\View::forge('my/alt/view', $data);


The priority method sets the mail's priority.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$priority string required Priority: See all email priorities.
返り値 $this

html_body($html, $generate_alt = null, $auto_attach = null)

The html_body method sets the message body and optionally generates the alt body from it. If specified the inline images will be attached inline automatically.

Please note: By default automatic attaching is on (via config). To turn this off, either supply false, or change the config setting.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$html string required The mail html.
$generate_alt bool
Boolean whether to generate an alternative message body, falls back to config default when null is supplied.
$auto_attach bool
Set to true or false to attach embedded images, falls back to config default when null is supplied.
返り値 $this
$email->html_body(\View::forge('welcome/email', $data));
// Don't generate the alt body
$email->html_body(\View::forge('welcome/email', $data), false);

// Do generate the alt body, but don't auto attach images.
$email->html_body(\View::forge('welcome/email', $data), true, false);

from($email, $name = false)

The from method sets from address and name.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string required The from email.
$name string
The from name.
返り値 $this
$email->from('', 'My Name');


The subject method sets the subject.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$subject string required The email subject.
返り値 $this
$email->subject('This is my subject');

to($email, $name = false)

The to method adds an address or an array of addresses to the to recipient array.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string|array required The from email.
$name string
The from name, ignored when $email is an array.
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->to('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

cc($email, $name = false)

The cc method adds an address or an array of addresses to the cc recipient array.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string|array required The from email.
$name string
The from name, ignored when $email is an array.
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->cc('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

bcc($email, $name = false)

The bcc method adds an address or an array of addresses to the bcc recipient array.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string|array required The from email.
$name string
The from name, ignored when $email is an array.
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->bcc('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

reply_to($email, $name = false)

The reply_to method adds an address or an array of addresses to the reply to recipient array.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string|array required The from email.
$name string
The from name, ignored when $email is an array.
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->reply_to('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

header($header, $value = null)

The header method adds a custom header to you mail headers.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$header string|array required The header type or array of headers.
$value string
The header value.
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->header('X-SMTPAP', 'XXXXXXXX');

// Add multiple addresses


The clear_recipients method empties the to, cc and bcc lists.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->bcc('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them


The clear_addresses method empties the to, cc, bcc and reply to lists.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add a single address
$email->reply_to('', 'My Name');

// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them


The clear_to method empties the to recipient list.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them


The clear_cc method empties the cc recipient list.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them


The clear_bcc method empties the bcc recipient list.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them


The clear_reply_to method empties the reply to list.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add multiple addresses
	// with a name
	'' => 'His/Her name.',

// Reset them

attach($file, $inline = false, $cid = null, $mime = null)

The attach method attaches a file.

This method will search for the file in the attachment paths set (config/email.php) in the attach_paths array

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$file string
Path to the file to include.
$inline bool
Whether to attach the file inline.
$cid string
The content identifier. Used when attaching inline images.
$mime string
By default the mimetype is looked up in the core/config/mimes array, use this to overwrite it.
返り値 $this
// Add an attachment

// Attach an image inline
$email->attach(DOCROOT.'assets/img/mail/header.png', true, 'cid:headerimage');
// This image would be bound to <img src="cid:headerimage" />

string_attach($contents, $filename, $cid = null, $inline = false, $mime = null)

The string_attach method attaches a file from a string input.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$contents string required The attachment contents.
$filename string required The filename to use.
$cid string
The content identifier. Used when attaching inline images.
$inline bool
Whether to attach the file inline.
$mime string
By default the mimetype is looked up in the core/config/mimes array, use this to overwrite it.
返り値 $this
// Add an attachment
$email->string_attach('This is a textfile', 'test.txt');


The clear_attachments method clears the attachments array.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
// Add some attachments
$email->string_attach('This is a textfile', 'test.txt');

// And empty the attachments


The send method sends the mail.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
catch(\EmailSendingFailedException $e)
	// The driver could not send the mail.
catch(\EmailValidationFailedException $e)
	// One or more email addresses failed validation.


The get_invalid_addresses method returns the email addresses that did not pass validation.

静的 No
パラメータ None
返り値 $this
catch(\EmailSendingFailedException $e)
	// The driver could not send the mail.
catch(\EmailValidationFailedException $e)
	// One or more email addresses failed validation.
	$these_failed = $email->get_invalid_addresses();


The return_path method sets return-path address.

静的 No
パラメータ 規定値 説明
$email string required The return-path email.
返り値 $this