
This introduction is based on this article, (c) James Simpson.

The nested set model is a particular technique for representing nested sets (also known as trees or hierarchies) in relational databases. The term was apparently introduced by Joe Celko; others describe the same technique without naming it or using different terms. (Source: Wikipedia)

A typical example of a tree structure is an organigram of an organisation. We'll be using this to explain how nested sets work.

nested set visual

The above diagram is indicating that each node is aware of all its descendants, and vice versa. For example, we can see easily enough from the diagram that Ben and Angela are "children" of Bill. We can also see that Tim and James are "children" of Ben. This ultimately gives us a link between each member of the hierarchy.

For us to represent this we need to store two more values per node, that define the relationship between the nodes of the tree structure. These are shown on the diagram in blue and red. We call these Left (red values) and Right (blue values) pointers. These values are stored on the table, this is all we need to fully represent a nested sets hierarchy.

Those who are into Mathematics know that you can use a different diagram to represent tree structures:

nested set visual

Although this might look confusing at first, and certainly more difficult to read, it is immediately clear why this is called nested sets, and why this way of storing hierarchical data in a flat table is efficient: you can directly see the relation between parent and children (all children are contained within their parent), and every node is aware of its parent, and all its descendants. Using this representation you can clearly see that all pointers line up beautifully. This will come in very handy when we need to access the tree.

Storing multiple tree structures in a single table

You can store multiple tree structures into a single database table. To make this possible, you can add a tree-id column to the table. The tree-id identifies the tree the node belongs to.

A tree-id may either be an integer or a string, and it can be auto-generated for you when you create a new tree, in case integers are used. Integers also make it easier to use the tree-id as a foreign key in a one-to-many relation, and their index lookup in the database is faster. It's strongly suggested you don't use a string value as a tree-id.


You can add as many columns to the table as you want, but to be able to work, the Nestedset Model requires certain columns to be present:

  • Left node pointer, default column name is 'left_id'
  • Right node pointer, default column name is 'right_id'
  • Tree id, a required column only if the table contains multiple trees (no default)

The actual names of the columns used for these functions can be configured in the model. Altough not strictly needed, several methods require a "title" or "name" field. The name of this column can be configured in the model as well. If you use a method that requires it to be present, but you haven't defined it, an exception will be thrown.

This is a minumal stucture for a nested sets table:

  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `left_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `right_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `tree_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(50),
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `left_id` (`left_id`),        // 任意、一部の参照が高速化されるはず
  KEY `right_id` (`right_id`),      // 任意、一部の参照が高速化されるはず


The Nestedset Model adds an additional property, $_tree, to the model, with which you can configure the model:

  • left_field defines the name of the table column that is used to store the tree's left pointer. The column name defaults to "left_id".
  • right_field defines the name of the table column that is used to store the tree's right pointer. The column name defaults to "right_id".
  • tree_field defines the name of the table column that is used to store the tree's id, a value that uniquely identifies a tree in case you want to store multiple trees in a single table. If you use a numeric value as tree-id, the model can automatically assign it when you create new tree root nodes. If it is not numeric, you have to supply the value before you call save(). There is no default value.
  • title_field defines the name of the table column that is used to store the tree node's title or name. It is optional, the Model works well without it, but it is required for some of the models methods. Where applicable this is mentioned in the documentation of the method. There is no default value.

The next section show you what a basic Nestedset model looks like, and how you configure it.

Defining the model

Using the nested sets model is as easy as extending \Orm\Model_Nestedset instead of \Orm\Model. This marks your model as being a nested sets model, adds a lot of methods to manipulate trees and nodes, and changes the default behaviour of the delete() and save() methods to make sure the tree stays consistent.

class Model_Tree extends \Orm\Model_Nestedset
	* @var  string  このモデルで使用されるテーブルの名前
    protected static $_table_name = 'tree';

	 * @var  array  オブジェクトがもつプロパティの配列
    protected static $_properties = array(

	 * @var  array  ツリーの設定値をもつ配列
    protected static $_tree = array(
		'left_field'     => 'left_id',		// ツリーノードの左ポインター用のフィールド名
		'right_field'    => 'right_id',		// ツリーノードの右ポインター用のフィールド名
		'tree_field'     => 'tree_id',		// ツリーノードのツリーid用のフィールド名
		'title_field'    => 'name',		//  ツリーノードのタイトル用フィールド名


As you can see, a pretty standard ORM model configuration. The only additional class property is $_tree, which defines the tree configuration. The model is then set up like a normal ORM model, including any relations or other properties that you wish to use.

Using the model

Based on the example in the introduction and the model defined above, let's start by creating this tree.

// Bill, our MD, is the root of the tree
$bill = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Bill'));

// 新しくノードを保存する際、自動的にツリーのルートノードとなる

// 社長に部下を与える
$angela = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Angela'));
$ben = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Ben'));

// 彼らはツリー上で Bill の子となる

// その他カスタマーサービスを追加
$henry = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Henry'));
$nicola = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Nicola'));

// そして開発チームを追加
$kerry = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Kerry'));
// Kerry の兄弟は Ben の子でもある
$james = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'James'));

// チームの若いのを Kerry のところに割り当てる
$tim = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'Tim'));

As you can see, creating a tree and adding tree nodes is pretty straitforward. One of the main differences between the Nestedset model and other ORM models, it that is has methods that operate on other model objects. You don't just query the model, or save an object, you do it in relation to another object in the tree. That doesn't mean you can't use the traditional methods, Model::find() and Model::query() still work like for any other ORM model.

Let's move on to describing the methods that are available for getting information out of our tree and manupulating the tree structure.

Behavioral changes

In addition to the primary key, which is read-only in every ORM model object once set, a Nestedset model doesn't allow you to make changes to the left- and right pointers of the node, and to the tree-id if defined. Attempting to do so, either via assigment, using a call to set() or by using unset(), will result in a InvalidArgumentException.

save($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)

The save method works exactly the same as the regular model's implementation.

However, when you use this method on new tree node objects, additional functionality is added to make sure the tree structure stays consistent. When you call it on an object and you have used one of the collection methods documented below, the new object is inserted in the tree relative to the object passed to the collection method.

If you haven't used a collection method, save will assume you want to insert a new root node. If the model is a multi-tree model, it will create a new root with the next available tree-id (if the id is numeric. If not, assign a new tree-id to the node object yourself).

If a root node can not be created because one already exists, an OutOfBoundsException will be thrown. If the tree-id is not numeric, and you haven't supplied one manually, the result is unpredicable!

delete($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)

The delete method works exactly the same as the regular model's implementation.

If the node you delete is not a leaf node (i.e. is has children), all descendants of the node will move one level up in the tree, they will become descendants of the nodes parent. If you want to delete an entire (subsection of the) tree, use the delete_tree() method instead.

You can not use the delete() method on a root node if the root node has more then one child node. Doing so would create an inconsistent tree, as you can't have multiple nodes at the highest level. Trying do to so will throw a DomainException!

Collection methods

Collection methods are methods that allow you to perform an operation, either a get() or a save(), on a part of a nestedset tree. Some methods are available for both, some are only relevant for one. For clarity, they are documented seperately. Using a collection method on an operation that doesn't support it will cause an OutOfBoundsException to be thrown.

Collection methods for getting nodes

Like with standard ORM models, you can use the get() method to return an array of objects, and the get_one() method to return a single object. If a collection method is supposed to return a single result, like for example root(), get() will return an array with that single object. If a collection method returns multiple objects, like for example children(), get_one() will return the first object from the result set. It is undetermined which one that will be.
get() and get_one() return null if no result was found.


The root method allows you to get the root of the tree of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the root of the tree $henry belongs to
$root = $henry->root()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $root == $bill ? 'true' : 'false';

// 特定のツリーのルートを取得
$root = Model_Tree::forge()->set_tree_id($mytreeid)->root()->get_one();


The roots method allows you to get all the root nodes. If the model is not a multi-tree model, only the one root node is returned.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get all roots in the tree
$roots = $henry->roots()->get();

// 'true' を echo (このツリー内には 1 つのルートだけがある)
echo reset($roots) == $bill ? 'true' : 'false';

// 既存のオブジェクトを起点とせずにすべてのルートを取得
$roots = Model_Tree::forge()->roots()->get();


The parent method allows you to get the parent node of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the parent of $nicola
$parent = $nicola->parent()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $parent == $angela ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。ノードのツリーコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->parent()->get_one();


The children method allows you to get all child nodes of the object you call this method on. Note that this returns only children, no grandchildren. If you are interested in the entire sub-tree, use the descendants method instead.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the children of $angela
$children = $angela->children()->get();

// 'true' を echo
echo $children == array($henry->id => $henry, $nicola->id => $nicola) ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が 返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->children()->get();


The ancestors method allows you to get all ancestor nodes of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the ancestors of $henry
$ancestors = $henry->children()->get();

// 'true' を echo
echo $ancestors == array($bill->id => $bill, $angela->id => $angela) ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->ancestors()->get();

Ancestors are returned in order of their position in the tree, with the root node first.


The descendants method allows you to get all descendant nodes of the object you call this method on. This allows you to fetch an entire sub-tree.The result will NOT include the start node itself.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the descendants of $ben
$descendants = $ben->descendants()->get();

// 'true' を echo
echo $descendants == array($kerry->id => $kerry, $tim->id => $tim, $james->id => $james) ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->descendants()->get();

Descendants are returned in order of their position in the tree.


The leaf_descendants method allows you to get leaf descendant nodes of the object you call this method on. Unlike the descendants method, this method only returns nodes that do not have children (the leafs of the tree).

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the leaf descendants of $ben
$descendants = $ben->leaf_descendants()->get();

// 'true' を echo。$kerry は子のオブジェクトを持つため、ここでは返されないことに注意
echo $descendants == array($tim->id => $tim, $james->id => $james) ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->leaf_descendants()->get();

Leaf descendants are returned in order of their position in the tree.


The siblings method allows you to get all sibling nodes of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the siblings of $kerry
$siblings = $kerry->siblings()->get();

// 'true' を echo
echo $siblings == array($kerry->id => $kerry, $james->id => $james) ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->siblings()->get();

Siblings are returned in order of their position in the tree. Note that the result set will include the current node!


The child method is an alias for the last_child method.


The first_child method allows you to get the first child node of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the first child of $bill
$child = $bill->first_child()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $child == $angela ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が 返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->first_child()->get_one();


The last_child method allows you to get the last child node of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the last child of $bill
$child = $bill->last_child()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $child == $ben ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->last_child()->get_one();


The sibling method is an alias for the next_sibling method.


The previous_sibling method allows you to get the previous_sibling node of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the previous sibling of $nicola
$sibling = $nicola->previous_silbing()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $sibling == $henry ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->previous_sibling()->get_one();

// こちらも null が返る。$henry には前の兄弟がない
$sibling = $henry->previous_silbing()->get_one();


The next_sibling method allows you to get the next sibling node of the object you call this method on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the next sibling of $henry
$sibling = $henry->next_silbing()->get_one();

// 'true' を echo
echo $sibling == $nicola ? 'true' : 'false';

// null が返る。現在のノードのコンテキストがなければうまくいかない
$parent = Model_Tree::forge()->previous_sibling()->get_one();

// こちらも null が返る。$nicola には次の兄弟がない
$sibling = $nicola->next_silbing()->get_one();

path($addroot = true)

The path method returns the path to the current node as a string, using the column identified by the "title_field" in the models tree configuration.

Static No
Param Default Description
If false, the root node will be excluded from the result.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
Throws OutOfBoundsException, if the model doesn't define a "title_field" column.
// get the path to Tim, returns "Bill/Ben/Kerry/Tim"
$path = $tim->path()->get();

// Nicola までのパスを取得。"Bill/Angela/Nicola" を返す
$path = $nicola->path()->get();

// Kerry までのパスを取得。ボスについては除外。"Ben/Kerry" を返す
$path = $kerry->path(false)->get();

Collection methods for saving nodes

Like with a standard ORM model, save() will either insert the object as a new record in the table, or it updates an existing record in case the object was retrieved from the database.

However, unlike a standard ORM model in a nestedset tree is is very relevant where exactly in the tree an object is saved. If you don't specify a collection method before save, saving an existing object will just do that, identical to normal ORM model behaviour. If you did specify a collection method, the object will be relocated in the tree when you save. If your saving a new object, not specifing a collection method will create a new root node. If you did specify one, it will determine where in the tree the new node will be inserted.

child($to = null)

The child method is an alias for the last_child method.

first_child($to = null)

The first_child method tells the model you want to save the object you call this method on as the first child of the (primary key of the) node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node object or the primary key of the node which has to become the parent of the object on which this method is called.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// give bill a new subordinate, before Angela in the tree
$john = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'John'))->first_child($bill)->save();

// Kerry を Bill の部下に昇進させる

last_child($to = null)

The last_child method tells the model you want to save the object you call this method on as the last child of the (primary key of the) node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node object or the primary key of the node which has to become the parent of the object on which this method is called.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// give bill a new subordinate, after Ben in the tree
$john = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'John'))->last_child($bill)->save();

// Kerry を Bill の部下に昇進させる

From a hierarchy perspective, first_child and last_child do the same. Only the exact position in the tree, the relation to its siblings after the insert or relocation of the node, is different.

sibling($to = null)

The sibling method is an alias for the next_sibling method.

previous_sibling($to = null)

The previous_sibling method tells the model you want to save the object you call this method on as the previous sibling of the (primary key of the) node object passed (just before the passed object, on the same level in the tree).

Static No
Param Default Description
The node object or the primary key of the node which has to become the next sibling of the object on which this method is called.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// give bill a new subordinate, before Angela in the tree
$john = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'John'))->previous_sibling($angela)->save();

// James を Ben の部下、Tim の隣へ降格させる

next_sibling($to = null)

The next_sibling method tells the model you want to save the object you call this method on as the next sibling of the (primary key of the) node object passed (just after the passed object, on the same level in the tree).

Static No
Param Default Description
The node object or the primary key of the node which has to become the previous sibling of the object on which this method is called.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// give bill a new subordinate, after Angela in the tree
$john = Model_Tree::forge(array('name' => 'John'))->next_sibling($angela)->save();

// James を Ben の部下、Tim の隣へ降格させる

Test methods

Test methods are used to query a particular state of the object with regards to their position in the tree.


The is_root method tells you if the object you're calling it on is a root node or not.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Bool, true if the object is a root node, false if not
// is Bill a root node? echo's 'true'
echo $bill->is_root() ? 'true' : 'false';

// Tim がルートノードか? 'false' を echo
echo $tim->is_root() ? 'true' : 'false';


The is_leaf method tells you if the object you're calling it on is a leaf, i.e. that is doesn't have child nodes.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Bool, true if the object is a leaf node, false if not
// is Tim a leaf node? echo's 'true'
echo $tim->is_leaf() ? 'true' : 'false';

// Angela が末端ノードか? 'false' を echo
echo $angela->is_leaf() ? 'true' : 'false';


The is_child method tells you if the object you're calling it on is a child node, i.e. that is has a parent node. This is the reverse of is_root(), as all non-root nodes have a parent.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Bool, true if the object is a child node, false if not
// is Henry a root node? echo's 'true'
echo $henry->is_child() ? 'true' : 'false';

// Bill がルートノードか? 'false' を echo
echo $bill->is_child() ? 'true' : 'false';

is_child_of(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

The is_child_of method allows you to check if the object you call this method on is a child node (a direct descendant) of the node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node which you want to check against.
Returns Bool, true if the object is a child node of the node passed, false if not
// is Ben a child node of Bill? echo's 'true'
echo $ben->is_child_of($bill) ? 'true' : 'false';

// James が Bill の子ノードか? 孫なので 'false' を echo
echo $james->is_child_of($bill) ? 'true' : 'false';

// Nicola が Ben の子ノードか? ツリーの違う部分なので 'false' を echo
echo $nicola->is_child_of($ben) ? 'true' : 'false';

is_descendant_of(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

The is_descendant_of method allows you to check if the object you call this method on is a descendant node of the node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node which you want to check against.
Returns Bool, true if the object is a descendant node of the node passed, false if not
// is Ben a descendant node of Bill? echo's 'true'
echo $ben->is_descendant_of($bill) ? 'true' : 'false';

// James が Bill の子孫ノードか? 孫なので 'true' を echo
echo $james->is_descendant_of($bill) ? 'true' : 'false';

// Nicola が Ben の子孫ノードか? ツリーの別の部分なので 'false' を echo
echo $nicola->is_descendant_of($ben) ? 'true' : 'false';

is_parent_of(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

The is_parent_of method allows you to check if the object you call this method on is the parent node of the node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node which you want to check against.
Returns Bool, true if the object is the parent node of the node passed, false if not
// is Bill the parent of Ben? echo's 'true'
echo $bill->is_parent_of($ben) ? 'true' : 'false';

// Bill が James の親か? 祖父なので 'false' を echo
echo $bill->is_parent_of($james) ? 'true' : 'false';

is_ancestor_of(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

The is_ancestor_of method allows you to check if the object you call this method on is a ancestor of the node object passed.

Static No
Param Default Description
The node which you want to check against.
Returns Bool, true if the object is an ancestor of the node passed, false if not
// is Bill an ancestor of Ben? echo's 'true'
echo $bill->is_ancestor_of($ben) ? 'true' : 'false';

// Bill が James の祖先か? 祖父なので 'true' を echo
echo $bill->is_ancestor_of($james) ? 'true' : 'false';

is_same_model_as(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

This method is mainly used internally to avoid operations across two different Nestedset models.

is_same_tree_as(Model_Nestedset $to = null)

This method is mainly used internally to avoid operations across two different Nestedset models. It not only checks if both objects are instances of the same model, but also if both instances belong to the same tree in a multi-tree model.


The has_parent method is an alias for the is_child method.


The has_children method is the reverse of the is_leaf method. If an object is not a leaf, it implies it has child nodes.


The has_previous_sibling method tells you if the object you're calling it on has a previous sibling.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Bool, true if the object has a previous sibling, false if not
// Does James have a previous sibling? echo's 'true'
echo $james->has_previous_sibling() ? 'true' : 'false';

// Tim が前の兄弟を持つか? 'false' を echo
echo $tim->has_previous_sibling() ? 'true' : 'false';


The has_next_sibling method tells you if the object you're calling it on has a next sibling.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Bool, true if the object has a next sibling, false if not
// Does Henry have a next sibling? echo's 'true'
echo $henry->has_next_sibling() ? 'true' : 'false';

// Ben が次の兄弟を持つか? 'false' を echo
echo $ben->has_next_sibling() ? 'true' : 'false';

Miscellaneous methods

delete_tree($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false)

The delete_tree works identical to the delete() method, which the difference that this method DOES delete all children as well.

If you use the delete_tree() method on a root node, the entire tree will be deleted!

tree_config($name = null)

You use this method to get one or all tree configuration options of the model. It is mainly used internally to construct queries that operate on parts of the tree, or on a specific tree in a multi-tree model.

Static Yes
Param Default Description
The name of the configuration property to return.
Returns A configuration value, an array of values, or null if the requested value does not exist.
// get the name of the tree-id column
$tree_id = Model_Tree::tree_config('tree_id');


You use this method to get the tree-id in a multi-tree environment. If there is a valid node to operate on, the tree-id of that node is returned. If not, the value set using set_tree_id() is returned. If no tree-id has been set, an exception is thrown. This method is mainly used internally to make sure queries run in the context of the current tree in a multi-tree environment.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns mixed, the tree-id of the current tree, or the default tree-id set.
// get the tree_id (returns 1)
$current_tree = $bill->get_tree_id();

set_tree_id($tree = null)

You use this method to set the tree-id in a multi-tree environment. You mainly use this when you want to run a get() or get_one() but you don't have an existing node to work on.

Static No
Param Default Description
The tree-id of the tree to select. If no value, or null, is passed, the stored tree-id is reset.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// get the root of a tree without having a previous node to work with
$root = Model_Tree::forge()->set_tree_id($mytreeid)->get_one();


The build_query method returns an ORM query object, like Model_Nestedset::query() but with an added where clause in case of a multi-tree model, to make sure the query runs in the context of the current tree. It requires a tree-id to be available, so if you call this on a new object, use set_tree_id to make sure a valid id is defined.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns an ORM Query object.
// get all nodes in the current tree with an enabled status set
$enabled = Model_Tree::forge()
	->where('enabled', '=', 1)

// 既存のオブジェクトを使う場合。$bill のオブジェクトのツリー ID が使われる
$enabled = $bill
	->where('enabled', '=', 1)


The get_query method returns an ORM query object, but unlike build_query() this method requires a collection methods to be used. It allows you to use the standard Model methods to constuct a first selection of nodes, and use the returned Query object to fine-tune the query.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns an ORM Query object.
// get all child nodes of Bill with an enabled status set
$enabled = $bill
	->where('enabled', '=', 1)


The count_children method returns the number of children (direct descendants) of the object you're calling it on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Integer
// Get the number of Bill's children, echo's 2
echo $bill->count_children();

// Kerry の子の数を取得。1 を echo
echo $kerry->count_children();

// Tim の子の数を取得。0 を echo
echo $tim->count_children();

// これも 0 を echo。新たなオブジェクトは子を持たない
echo Model_Tree::forge()->count_children();


The count_descendants method returns the number of descendants of the object you're calling it on.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Integer
// Get the number of Bill's descendants, echo's 7
echo $bill->count_descendants();

// Ben の子の数を取得。3 を echo
echo $ben->count_descendants();

// 0 を echo。新たなオブジェクトは子孫を持たない
echo Model_Tree::forge()->count_descendants();


The depth method returns the depth or level the current node is in the tree, where the level of the root node is 0.

Static No
Parameters None.
Returns Mixed, integer or false if the current object is not valid
// Get the level of Bill in the organisation
echo $bill->depth(); // echo's 0, he's top dog!

// 組織内での Angela の階級を取得
echo $angela->depth(); // 1 を echo。彼女は N+1 のため

// 組織内での Tim の階級を取得
echo $tim->depth(); // 3 を echo。いちばんの下っ端だ……

// 偽を返す。新たなノードの階層を取得することはできない
$result = Model_Tree::forge()->depth();

dump_tree($as_object = false, $children = 'children', $path = 'path', $pathuri = null)

The dump_tree method returns the entire tree, using the current object as root node into a multi-dimensional array.

Static No
Param Default Description
If true, it will return a hierarchical tree of objects instead of a multi-dimensional array.
data for child nodes will be added to a property or array key with this name.
a property by this name is created and will contain the path to the node, starting at the root. This requires the 'title_field' to be configured!
This argument requires an existing table column as input. If defined, it will create a property by the name of this argument, prefixed with "path_", which will contain the path definition pointing to the node, starting at the root, using the column name provided. This is mainly used when the model contains a URL or URI column, so you have both the breadcrumb path (in 'path') and the uri path.
Returns Mixed, multi-dimensional array, or the current object, with added children.
// returns a multi-dimensional array. $tree['children'] will contain the children of Bill
$tree = $bill->dump_tree();

// 'children' プロパティとして Bill の子を持つ 'bill' オブジェクトを返す
$tree = $bill->dump_tree(true);

// $tree を使うと、array($angela, $ben) を返す
$children = $tree->children;

// そしてこちらは array($henry, $nicola)、つまり $angela の子を返す
$grandchildren = reset($children)->children;

// ORM オブジェクトは常に参照として扱われる!

// ので、こっちでもいける
$children = $bill->children;

As with all ORM array's, the table's primary key is used as array index. Note that because the ORM uses objects by reference from a single cache, if you choose to use 'as_object', children will be added to existing objects too.

The related method allows you to fetch related objects when executing a nested set command, indentical to a normal Orm model query.

Static No
Param Default Description
The name of the relation to include.
Any conditions you want to pass on when fetching the related objects.
Returns Model_Nestedset, for chaining.
// include related 'child' objects in the result
$tree = $bill->related('child')->dump_tree();

// $ben の子孫を取得
$descendants = $ben->descendants()->related('child')->get();

// これには child のリレーションは含まれ「ない」!
$descendants = $ben->related('child')->descendants()->get();

If you want to use this method on any nested set operation (like for example decendants()), make sure to setup that operation first. If you don't, your included relations will be reset my the nested set operation method call!